Radio took a paramount importance in the emergency plans of ship lines and was omnipresent in communication networks during both world wars. Today, wireless technology remains at the center of the development of many new devices and software.

The author, Denis Couillard, knows the subject of radio first hand. Cumulating more than 30 years of radio engineering experience, he is currently Government Strategy Director at Ultra TCS, Montreal, an offspring company of the former Canadian Marconi.
Together with the MOEB, Ultra Electronics is co-publisher of the book which will be launched in January 2021. The book is for sale at the Musée des ondes Emile Berliner for $25 plus shipping and handling cost. A free PDF version will be available in the spring of 2021.
The book is well illustrated with historic and recent photos, graphics and documents, most in colour. It offers the text in French and English. It has a convenient letter-size dimension and is available in a high-end soft cover. The book of 60 pages per language is addressed to all radio enthusiasts but will please everybody with an interest in Canada’s history, as it uses common language when explaining radio technology.